
Casino Games, A Testing Ground of Modern Technologies

The video game industry is often referred to as a testing ground for new and promising technologies. After all, over the past decade, we’ve seen how games help popularize smartphones, change the way we think about online collaboration, and help launch streaming platforms. Video games and online casinos have undoubtedly contributed to the legalization of the concept of mobile applications.

It is quite interesting to think about all this through the prism of the evolution of global technologies. But even within this broader concept, it’s also worth thinking about how casino games have specifically contributed to the development of modern technology.

Three Main Connections

Although the casino gaming category is certainly not the only one responsible for major technological innovations, it is obvious that it contributes to them. One of the main reasons why this collaboration is impossible to visualize is perhaps because casino games, especially online poker, are not necessarily available worldwide. Three connections stand out in particular: virtual reality (VR), random number generators, and artificial intelligence.

Early Virtual Reality Games

Strictly speaking, virtual reality originated several decades ago, and there have been several different forays into gaming and entertainment throughout its development. However, today it is fair to say that virtual reality has reached new heights in many areas, sometimes even in everyday life. But modern virtual reality did appear, at least from the point of view of retailers and consumers, in 2015 and 2016.


Since then, no one has been able to come to a consensus on the real value and attractiveness of this type of entertainment. When developers ask consumers about the promise of VR, they always find the same problems: unsuitable games, high cost of headsets, bugs… However, the players also express a certain optimism, they want to experience virtual reality and eventually, they will realize that his proposals are new. This indicates that VR games are not going anywhere. If it develops in the right direction, consumers, looking back, will really realize that some of the very first concepts tried out in this environment were actually casino games, especially online poker.

Indeed, some simpler VR poker attempts were quickly expanded upon by one or two well-known animated slot machines. But it was in 2018 that Poker VR became one of Oculus’ most successful games. Although many other games have also been successful, it is clear that the relatively simple nature of casino games and the massive craze for online poker have made them a logical choice for the first iterations of modern virtual reality.

Random Number Generators

Every day we see the emergence of new algorithms that can help prevent fraudulent online transactions. Essentially, such algorithms act as advanced random number generators (or RNGs) that can be used to improve the effectiveness of authentication such as CAPTCHA and the generation of one-time passwords. But as those familiar with online casinos know, advanced algorithms of this type have been flourishing for many years as the technological backbone of the online gambling industry.


Every developer of casino software and website must have a random number generator certified by an independent agency. The sites hosting the games should check these RNGs to ensure that they are sufficiently advanced and ensure fair play. Thus, this has led the casino industry to play a key role in supporting RNG technology in recent years.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another great example of a technology that is in no way related to casino games, but which has undoubtedly been promoted by betting games. There are various examples of AI applications in this category (including the loosely related concept of random number generation, which we just reviewed). But the most interesting thing is artificial intelligence, which recently beat humans at their own game: an artificial intelligence program called Pluribus, developed by researchers from Facebook and Carnegie Mellon University, beat 15 professional poker players in a six—player Texas Hold’em game. This may seem like a technological development with a trivial purpose. However, those who are familiar with the game understand that it is something more. Texas Hold’em is a complex game that involves leverage, cheating, guesswork, and virtually limitless possibilities. In other words, it’s not just a matter of mathematics and probability. Pluribus had to demonstrate some unusually human abilities in order to master the game, which made it, in a sense, one of the most advanced artificial intelligence systems to date.


From these examples, we can see that the online casino industry is actually at the forefront of developing some of our most interesting and effective modern technologies. Again, this does not mean that casinos promote these technologies on their own. But understanding the role they play can be valuable for recognizing upcoming technological developments used in online casinos as an early understanding of new technologies.

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